Guilherme Sesterheim
2 min readJun 9, 2021


@MIT series is a group of articles being written to describe my learning path attending to the Cloud & DevOps: Continuous Transformation at the MIT.

This article at a glance — TL;DR

The first module is putting everybody’s knowledge up to date about the internet and software development practices evolution.

Assignments of the first module are simple when technically speaking

The content

Disclaimer: I won’t post the course content and deeper details here for obvious reasons. Everything mentioned here is my learning and key takeaways from each class/content.

The first module is very introductory. Concepts like the internet creation and explanations about how the information flow evolved from the first internet connection to the cloud are approached very briefly.

More than being introductory, it is very straightforward and hands-on (which I consider great). There are forum discussions for the participants to get to know each other, and an open Q&A about the exercises and assignments.

Exercises and Assignments

  • Exercise 1: examining a small JSON file at the Chrome console to understand the JSON pattern and Javascript key concepts.
  • Exercise 2: examining a BIG JSON at the Chrome console to show how things can get complex eventually.
  • Exercise 3: running a Node simple app to analyze the BIG JSON file from exercise 2.
  • Assignment 1: Creating a simple static personal website at Amazon using S3 buckets. My result is here: https://guilherme-mit-module-1.s3.amazonaws.com/color.html
  • Assignment 2: Creating a simple static personal website at GitHub.io. For this one, I went a bit further and added a small set of free static CSS and HTML pre-built to reach something better than just the “hello world”: https://guisesterheim.github.io/


All the resources used to reach the results above are stored in this GitHub repository: https://github.com/guisesterheim/MITCloudAndDevOps



Guilherme Sesterheim

Sharing experiences on IT subjects. Working for AWS. DevOps, Kubernetes, Microservices, Terraform, Ansible, and Java